Sunday, September 22, 2013

Acc Int Class Assignment 5: Chapter Review of CHAPTER 4

Please submit your assignment of Chapter Review (CHAPTER 4) here as Comment.
The last date to upload your assignment is Sunday 6 October 2013 at 10 pm.
Thank you.


Acc Int Class Assignment 6: Chapter Review of CHAPTER 5.

Please submit your assignment of Chapter Review (CHAPTER 5) here as Comment.
The last date to upload your assignment is Sunday 6 October 2013 at 10 pm.
Thank you.


Acc Int Class 2013: Assignment 4 - Chapter Review of Chapter 3

Please submit your assignment of Chapter Review (CHAPTER 3) here as Comment.
The last date to upload your assignment is Thursday 3 October 2013 at 10 pm.
Thank you.


Friday, September 20, 2013

Acc Int Class 2013 Assignment 3: Group Presentation

Moday 23 September 2013 two groups should make a presentation in class.  This presentation is "sharing the chapter".
Group 1 present Chapter 1, and Group 2 present Chapter 2.
Group 1 consist of students with the last digit of student number is 1 (C1Lxxxx01, xxxx11, xxxx21, xxxx31, and so on)
Group 2 consist of students with the last digit of student number is 2 (C1Lxxxx02, xxxx12, xxxx22, xxxx32, and so on).

Each group should prepare the presentation and make a power point slide. The first slide of presentation includes the chapter number, the title and group number. The list of group member (name and student number) is in slide 2. Slide 3 and so on for the contents of presentation.

Make your presentation as good as possible.
After you make a presentation, in the same day you have to send the file by email to: The latest is 10 pm.
The subject of the email is: Buscom 2013Act Int  Group [number]

The following is schedule for presentation for each group:
Week 1: No presentation
Week 2: No presentation
Week 3: Group 1 and 2 (for Chapter 1 and 2), Monday 23 September 2013.
Week 4: Group 3 and 4 (for Chapter 3 and 4), Monday 30 September 2013.
Week 5: Group 5 for Chapter 5, Monday 7 October 2013.
Week 6: Group 6 for Chapter 6, Monday 14 October 2013.
Week 7: No presentation, Mid test preparation
Week 8: MID TEST, no presentation.

Week 9: Group 7
Week 10: Group 8
Week 11: Group 9
Week 12: Group 10
Week 13, 14, 15,  Presentation of the project.
Week 16: FINAL TEST.

Thank you.


Acc Int Class Assignment 2: Chapter Review 2

Please answer Chapter Review in page 71-72 Chapter 2. This is individual assignment.  1 student should answer 1 question. Please refer to Assignment 1 to determine which question you should answer.
To submit your assignment please upload here as COMMENT.
Write the question first, and then answer the question.
Don't forget to write your name and student number.

The last date to upload is 29 September 2013 (Sunday) at 10.00 pm.

Thank you.


Acc Int Class 2013 Assignment 1: Chapter Review 1

You all have been facilitated with ebook of Business Communication. In each chapter you can find Chapter Review. In Chapter 1 for example, the Chapter Review is in page 32.
Your task is to answer 1 question for 1 student. The question you have to answer is based on your last two digit of your student number. For example, question number 1 is answered by student with student number C1Lxxxxx01, ...., question number 15 is answered by student with student number C1Lxxxxx15, Since the number of questions in Chapter 1 is 15 questions, students with student number C1Lxxxxxx16 and so on should answer the question by the following formula: "last 2 digit of student number - number of question".
So, student number C1Lxxxxx16 should answer question number 1 (16-15), and student number C1Lxxxx39 should answer question number 9 (39-15=24, then 24-15=9). Hope it is clear.

Please submit your answer by uploading here as COMMENT. You should write the question first and then answer the question. Don't forget to write your name and your student number.

The last date to upload your answer is 26 September 2013(Thursday)  at 10 pm.

Thank you.