Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Assignment 3 Acct Int 2010: Listening Habits of Students

Please observe & list at least 3 good listening habits and 3 bad listening habits of students
Collected as comment in:
Don't forget to write your name and student number.
Should be collected one day before class of next week


  1. write your comment here
    Practicing uploading comment
    Tiger Wood

  2. Name = Husadanti Kusumaningrum
    NIM = C1L009019

    Good listening habits
    1. Give full attention
    2. Manage our reaction
    3. Be responsive
    4. Looking at the speaker
    5. Give body language interest signals
    6. Asking positive questions
    7. Minimize daydreaming
    8. Listen for the main points of topic

    Bad listening habits
    1. Not looking at the speaker
    2. Interrupting the speaker
    3. Daydreaming
    4. Body language give signals not interest
    5. Forgetting what was talked about previously
    6. Not responding to the speaker's requests
    7. Criticizing the speaker
    8. Faking attention



    Listen for key words :
    The words people use will tell you a lot about what part of their nervous system they are accessing. If they say words like see, notice, indicate then they are accessing the visual part of their nervous system. These are visual cues. If they use words like hear, listen, say then they are accessing the auditory part of their nervous system. These are auditory cues. If they use words like touching, feeling, flowing then they are accessing the kinesthetic part of their nervous system. These are kinesthetic cues. Some people will tend to rely on auditory cues as opposed to visual and kinesthetic cues which may mean they are primarily an auditory person. This can also apply for people who are primarily visual and kinesthetic.

    Make eye contact :
    This will signal to people that you are interested in what they’re saying because you’re paying attention. When you make eye contact with others observe the eye position of the other person. If the person looks up to the right or left then they are accessing the visual part of their nervous system. If the person looks side to side then they are accessing the auditory part of their nervous system. If they look down and to the right then they are accessing the kinesthetic part of their nervous system.

    Listen for the meaning behind the words:
    If you were to listen closely to others you may well find that everyone you speak with is well intended. Listening this way will allow you to hear a person’s underlying commitment or concern as opposed to their judgment or criticism. If you listen to people this way you will develop a thorough understanding of what drives and motivates others.


    Do not make the mistake of listening for the facts alone, listen to and get everything the customer is saying, both verbal and nonverbal, take note of his mood/disposition in order to fully understand the context of what he is saying.

    This is one of the worst sins to commit while listening to your customer because it will give him the impression that he is not important to you. Some of the things that will show the customer that you are distracted are, working on your pc while listening; breaking the conversation to answer the phone; looking for something in the drawer or file.

    When you fake attention, the customer will definitely know beacause your responses will sell you out; your eyes easily give you out because you would only be starring at him with a distant look in your eyes, not having any kind of eye contact with him at all, remember your eyes always convey any form of emotion you are feeling, so don't try to be "smart" with your customer, your eyes will surely tell it all; when you fake attention, you would also not be able to ask the necessary questions or respond appropriately when the customer finishes talking; instead of responding to or clarifying issues raised by the customer , you would only be trying hard to coarse him to buy.

  4. Yos Riski S.P.

    Good listening Habit
    Help them speak

    Sometimes the speaker is having difficulty getting their point across. Maybe they are not that good at speaking or are seeking to explain a complex concept. You can help them and yourself by positive encouragement.

    If they lack confidence, encourage them with nods, smiles and positive noises. Show that you are interested in them and don't mind that they are not particularly erudite. If they are struggling with a concept, try to paraphrase what they are saying.

    Asking positive questions is a generally good approach, both to test your own understanding and also to demonstrate interest.
    Support the person

    Good listening also includes acting in a way that is considerate of the other person. As a part of listening, you should seek to help the person feel good about themselves. Having someone pay close attention to you and show interest is very flattering and usually feels good.

    A fundamental attitude to support this is to value and accept all people, even if you do not agree with what they have to say or how they say it. Thus, if you disagree, disagree with the argument and not with the person. Show your acceptance of their right to differ with you, whilst stating your opposition to what they say.
    Manage your reactions

    Finally, be careful with how you react to what the other person says.

    It is easy to be put off by listeners who show a marked lack of interest, who do not seem to understand what you are saying or who seem more concerned with criticizing you and showing how they do not need to listen to you.

    Before you comment about what the other person has said, pause before you dive into a response. Notice your own internal inferences and biases. Think about what you would say and the effect that it would have. Consider if this is what you want to achieve.

    Bad Listening Habit
    1.Lack of interest in the subject
    2.Focus on the person, not on the content
    4.Focus on the detail, missing the big picture
    5.Force-fitting their ideas into your mental models
    6.Body language that signals disinterest
    7.Creating or allowing distractions
    8.Ignoring what you do not understand
    9.Letting emotions block the subject


    From my observation in accounting international 2009 class. I take a conclusion
    about 3 major good/ bad habit in listening. The conclusion are:

    Three good habit in listening:

    1.Following the condition or situation

    If the speaker talking about some thing that seriously, the listener can respond it seriously too.

    2.Giving solution

    When some one talk you abuot her/him problem o trouble, the good listener can make conclusion what the solution that must be given.

    3.Looking a topic or problem from all of side

    if your friend tells you an acident you must can differing wich is true or wrong. Don't make mistake in giving advice because he is your fried you let's him to doing a wrong.

    Three bad habit in listening:

    1.Laughing at some topic that actually seriou conversation

    one day your friend tells you that he experienced an acident, suddenly you laugh at him/her . So it make him/ her angry.

    2.Not keeping the privacy of other people.

    May be you think that other people privacy isn't meaning for you but it's very important for other people so keep other people privacy and other people can truest you.

    3.Mentality down

    for example in a forum / presentation yua are not mannerism to presenter or may be you make eye contact to presenter so prolauged and than the mentality of presenter being down.

    by: ABDUL AZIS


    Bad Listening habit for students
    1.Calling a subject dull. A poor listener will "turn off" as soon as s/he decides a lecture is going to be dull. (Such a decision is usually based on ignorance rather than knowledge.)
    2.Criticizing a speaker. A poor listener will find fault with the speaker (i.e., monotonous voice) and infer that the speaker can't have anything important to say.
    3.Over-reacting. A poor listener will become so involved in disagreeing with the lecturer that s/he will miss most of the lecture.
    4.Listening for facts only. A poor listener wants only facts and considers the "big picture" as nothing more than someone else opinion.
    5.False attention. A poor listener will lock his/her eyes onto the speaker and then relax, expecting to retrieve information out of the text later, during study time.
    6.Yielding to distractions. A poor listener will use every distraction -- footsteps, a door opening, a cough -- as an excuse to stop listening.
    7.Limited lecture notes. A poor listener will neglect to take notes of main ideas and details.
    8.Few review sessions. a poor listener will neglect to review lecture notes periodically prior to testing.
    9.Disregard questions asked by speaker during the lecture.

    Good Listening habit for students
    1.A good listener will listen closely for information that can be important or useful, even in a seemingly dull presentation
    2.A good listener will listen closely for information that can be important or useful, even in a seemingly dull presentation
    3.A good listener will listen with the mind, not with the emotions
    4.A good listener wants to see how facts illustrate principles, how examples illustrate ideas, and how evidence supports arguments.
    5.A good listener realises that each lecture is an opportunity to absorb (in a short time) facts and ideas that the speaker took hours to assemble.
    6.A good listener disciplines her or himself to shut out distractions and to concentrate on the speaker's message.
    7.A good listener will take notes as a reminder of key main ideas and details of what was said.
    8.A good listener will review notes soon after the lecture ends to ascertain clarity of notes.
    9.A good listener will note down all speaker's questions from lecture in the margins as possible questions for a later test.

  7. Name : Wulandariyanny
    NIM : C1L009010

    Ten BAD Listening Habits of Student :
    1. Finding the subject uninteresting
    2. Judging delivery, not content.
    3. Allowing excessive emotional involvement
    4. Listening for details, not central ideas
    5. Using non-flexible notetaking
    6. Paying poor attention to the speaker
    7. Being easily distracted
    8. Avoiding difficult material
    9. Refusing to accept new ideas
    10. Thinking about irrelevant topics

    Ten GOOD Listening Habits of Student :
    1. Find area of interest
    2. Judge the content, not delivery.
    3. Withhold evaluation until comprehension is complete
    4. Listen for main ideas, central facts, organizational patterns.
    5. Be flexible in notetaking.
    6. Spend energy to give conscious attention.
    7. Resist distractions - a matter of concentration.
    8. Exercise the mind - develop an appetite for hearing a variety of presentations difficult
    enough to challenge the mental capacities.
    9. Keep the mind open - be careful of emotional impact of certain words.
    10. Capitalize on thought speed.
    Speech speed - 100-200 words per minute
    Thought speed - 400-500 or more words per minute.

    NIM : C1L009010

    Ten BAD Listening Habits of Student :
    1. Finding the subject uninteresting
    2. Judging delivery, not content.
    3. Allowing excessive emotional involvement
    4. Listening for details, not central ideas
    5. Using non-flexible notetaking
    6. Paying poor attention to the speaker
    7. Being easily distracted
    8. Avoiding difficult material
    9. Refusing to accept new ideas
    10. Thinking about irrelevant topics

    Ten GOOD Listening Habits of Student :
    1. Find area of interest
    2. Judge the content, not delivery.
    3. Withhold evaluation until comprehension is complete
    4. Listen for main ideas, central facts, organizational patterns.
    5. Be flexible in notetaking.
    6. Spend energy to give conscious attention.
    7. Resist distractions - a matter of concentration.
    8. Exercise the mind - develop an appetite for hearing a variety of presentations difficult
    enough to challenge the mental capacities.
    9. Keep the mind open - be careful of emotional impact of certain words.
    10. Capitalize on thought speed.
    Speech speed - 100-200 words per minute
    Thought speed - 400-500 or more words per minute.

    NIM : C1L007043
    Bad Listening Habits
    1. Listening only for facts (bottom line)
    2. Not taking notes or outlining everything
    3. Faking attention
    4. Creating or allowing distractions
    5. Ignoring what you do not understand
    6. Letting emotions block the subject
    7. Rushing the speaker and making him feel that he's wasting the listener's time.
    8. Showing interest in something other than the conversation.
    9. Getting ahead of the speaker and finishing her thoughts.
    10. Asking too many questions about details.

    Good Listening Habits

    1. Give full attention
    The first habit of listening is to pay attention to the person who is speaking. Give them your full attention -- and visibly so. Attend not only with your ears but with your whole body. Turn to face them. Gaze intently at them.
    2. Help them speak
    Sometimes the speaker is having difficulty getting their point across. Maybe they are not that good at speaking or are seeking to explain a complex concept. You can help them and yourself by positive encouragement
    3. Support the person
    Good listening also includes acting in a way that is considerate of the other person. As a part of listening, you should seek to help the person feel good about themselves. Having someone pay close attention to you and show interest is very flattering and usually feels good.
    4. Manage your reactions
    Finally, be careful with how you react to what the other person says.
    5. Have a good response or good feedback
    6. honour to the speaker
    7. Understandability to the situation and condition


    Good Listening Habits:
    Give full attention
    The first habit of listening is to pay attention to the person who is speaking. Give them your full attention -- and visibly so. Attend not only with your ears but with your whole body. Turn to face them. Gaze intently at them.
    The trick to full attention is to do it from inside your head, not just by moving your body. If you can be truly interested (which is often just a matter of attitude) then your body will happily follow your mind.
    Help them speak
    Sometimes the speaker is having difficulty getting their point across. Maybe they are not that good at speaking or are seeking to explain a complex concept. You can help them and yourself by positive encouragement.
    If they lack confidence, encourage them with nods, smiles and positive noises. Show that you are interested in them and don't mind that they are not particularly erudite. If they are struggling with a concept, try to paraphrase what they are saying.
    Asking positive questions is a generally good approach, both to test your own understanding and also to demonstrate interest.
    Support the person
    Good listening also includes acting in a way that is considerate of the other person. As a part of listening, you should seek to help the person feel good about themselves. Having someone pay close attention to you and show interest is very flattering and usually feels good.
    A fundamental attitude to support this is to value and accept all people, even if you do not agree with what they have to say or how they say it. Thus, if you disagree, disagree with the argument and not with the person. Show your acceptance of their right to differ with you, whilst stating your opposition to what they say.
    Manage your reactions
    Finally, be careful with how you react to what the other person says.
    It is easy to be put off by listeners who show a marked lack of interest, who do not seem to understand what you are saying or who seem more concerned with criticizing you and showing how they do not need to listen to you.
    Before you comment about what the other person has said, pause before you dive into a response. Notice your own internal inferences and biases. Think about what you would say and the effect that it would have. Consider if this is what you want to achieve.


    Bad Listening Habits:
    Reacting Emotionally: Don't ever react emotionally to your customer no matter how upset you are by what he said, be calm and calculated, wait for him to finish what ever he is saying, whether he is right or wrong is irrelevant, rather let him know that you are always ready to hear him out and eager to know his opinion on any issue because all you really want to do is help him get what he wants.
    Listening only for Facts : Do not make the mistake of listening for the facts alone, listen to and get everything the customer is saying, both verbal and nonverbal, take note of his mood/disposition in order to fully understand the context of what he is saying.
    Getting distracted: This is one of the worst sins to commit while listening to your customer because it will give him the impression that he is not important to you. Some of the things that will show the customer that you are distracted are, working on your pc while listening; breaking the conversation to answer the phone; looking for something in the drawer or file.
    Faking attention: When you fake attention, the customer will definitely know beacause your responses will sell you out; your eyes easily give you out because you would only be starring at him with a distant look in your eyes, not having any kind of eye contact with him at all, remember your eyes always convey any form of emotion you are feeling, so don't try to be "smart" with your customer, your eyes will surely tell it all; when you fake attention, you would also not be able to ask the necessary questions or respond appropriately when the customer finishes talking; instead of responding to or clarifying issues raised by the customer , you would only be trying hard to coarse him to buy.
    Being critical of your customer’s delivery: Trying to be a grammer/speech coach to your customer will only turn him off. All he wants is for you to help him make a buying decision and not to make him a speech specialist. Focus on what the customer wants and forget about any form of distraction because it will never help you achieve your purpose at the end of the day, remember your basic sales purpose is to help your customer get what he wants(buy) so that you can get what you want(sell).

  12. Ganjar Bayu P


    1.  A good listener will listen closely for information that can be important or useful, even in a seemingly dull presentation

    2.  A good listener will look beyond the presentation style.  S/he will look for ideas, not things to criticise

    3.  A good listener wants to see how facts illustrate principles, how examples illustrate ideas, and how evidence supports arguments.


    1.  Calling a subject dull.  A poor listener will "turn off" as soon as s/he decides a lecture is going to be dull.  (Such a decision is usually based on ignorance rather than knowledge.)

    2.  Criticizing a speaker.  A poor listener will find fault with the speaker (i.e., monotonous voice) and infer that the speaker can't have anything important to say.

    3.  Over-reacting.  A poor listener will become so involved in disagreeing with the lecturer that s/he will miss most of the lecture.

  13. There are ten bad listening habits
    1. The Premature decision that subject material will not be interesting.

    2. Pretend attention.
    This one is fairly self-explanatory. If one is not willing to absorb knowledge in the first place, it is that much easier to drift out what is going on.
    3. Yielding to promotion or distraction.
    What do you do when you hear a sudden noise? Do you turn to see what made it?
    4. Failure to adjust to the speaker.

    5. Aversion of difficult material.

    6. Hop-Skip-Jump.
    It has been proven that the human brain can absorb 600 words per minute. If I was to speak at 200 words per minute, then what has your mind been doing in the meantime?
    7. "I want the truth" verses "I want the facts"

    8. Yielding to emotional deafspots.

    9. Overanalysis.
    10. Pencil and Paper Listening.

    Good listening habits for students
    1. Develop a consumer-wise and positive attitude - make the most of your investment
    Develop a consumer-wise and positive attitude. You are taking that class for some reason and therefore you have an investment at stake. You have the opportunity to make the most of your investment, to benefit from that class—it is your choice.
    2. Sit near the front of the class where you can easily see and hear the lecturer
    Sit near the front of the class where you can easily see and hear the teacher. If you are assigned a seat, and you cannot hear well, ask the teacher to move you right away. Sitting near the teacher allows you to focus more closely. It also gives the teacher the opportunity to more easily get feedback from you, and you’ll have incentive to stay awake.
    3. Review previous class notes, assignments, and texts before you go to class.
    Review previous class notes, assignments, and texts before you go to class. This will help you understand how the day’s lecture relates to previous material and assigned readings. You will also have a better understanding of the material, and this will enable you to ask thoughtful questions for clarification (professors will certainly appreciate this!).
    4. Stay alert – focus attention and resist daydreaming.
    Be aware of what your mind is doing and be alert. If you practice observing your mental activity, you’ll be less likely to spend the entire class daydreaming about a burger at the Chicken. This takes practice, but you will benefit if you learn to bring your mind back to the classroom. Staying alert is not always easy, so avoid eating heavy meals before class, wear comfortable clothing, and constantly monitor your focus of attention.
    5. Use an efficient note taking system.
    Use an efficient note taking system. Not only will this help keep you awake and organized, but your efforts will pay off when you study for exams and quizzes later.
    6. Ask questions to help you clarify concepts.
    Ask questions to help you clarify concepts and to get you actively involved in the learning process
    7. Focus on the content of what the teacher says, not the delivery.
    8. Listen for the main points of the lecture and try to determine future test questions.
    9. Be responsive.
    Be responsive. Can you imagine how it feels to speak to a sea of blank faces? Put some energy into your listening, and your teachers may have more energy and enthusiasm as well.

  14. Anggi Nurul Fitrianti

    There are ten bad listening habits
    1. The Premature decision that subject material will not be interesting.

    2. Pretend attention.
    This one is fairly self-explanatory. If one is not willing to absorb knowledge in the first place, it is that much easier to drift out what is going on.
    3. Yielding to promotion or distraction.
    What do you do when you hear a sudden noise? Do you turn to see what made it?
    4. Failure to adjust to the speaker.

    5. Aversion of difficult material.

    6. Hop-Skip-Jump.
    It has been proven that the human brain can absorb 600 words per minute. If I was to speak at 200 words per minute, then what has your mind been doing in the meantime?
    7. "I want the truth" verses "I want the facts"

    8. Yielding to emotional deafspots.

    9. Overanalysis.
    10. Pencil and Paper Listening.

    Good listening habits for students
    1. Develop a consumer-wise and positive attitude - make the most of your investment
    Develop a consumer-wise and positive attitude. You are taking that class for some reason and therefore you have an investment at stake. You have the opportunity to make the most of your investment, to benefit from that class—it is your choice.
    2. Sit near the front of the class where you can easily see and hear the lecturer
    Sit near the front of the class where you can easily see and hear the teacher. If you are assigned a seat, and you cannot hear well, ask the teacher to move you right away. Sitting near the teacher allows you to focus more closely. It also gives the teacher the opportunity to more easily get feedback from you, and you’ll have incentive to stay awake.
    3. Review previous class notes, assignments, and texts before you go to class.
    Review previous class notes, assignments, and texts before you go to class. This will help you understand how the day’s lecture relates to previous material and assigned readings. You will also have a better understanding of the material, and this will enable you to ask thoughtful questions for clarification (professors will certainly appreciate this!).
    4. Stay alert – focus attention and resist daydreaming.
    Be aware of what your mind is doing and be alert. If you practice observing your mental activity, you’ll be less likely to spend the entire class daydreaming about a burger at the Chicken. This takes practice, but you will benefit if you learn to bring your mind back to the classroom. Staying alert is not always easy, so avoid eating heavy meals before class, wear comfortable clothing, and constantly monitor your focus of attention.
    5. Use an efficient note taking system.
    Use an efficient note taking system. Not only will this help keep you awake and organized, but your efforts will pay off when you study for exams and quizzes later.
    6. Ask questions to help you clarify concepts.
    Ask questions to help you clarify concepts and to get you actively involved in the learning process
    7. Focus on the content of what the teacher says, not the delivery.
    8. Listen for the main points of the lecture and try to determine future test questions.
    9. Be responsive.
    Be responsive. Can you imagine how it feels to speak to a sea of blank faces? Put some energy into your listening, and your teachers may have more energy and enthusiasm as well.

  15. Lydia Sani Lo

    Hi Mr. Agung,
    there are about listen behavior of students when follow the lecture::

    Good Habits:

    1. focus to lecture who present the material.

    2. take a note for write the material which is important to remember.

    3. try to block any diversion to keep focus.

    Bad Habits:

    1. The students just listen pseudo. he keep eye contact but he didn't understand what was the lecturer said.

    2. Try to make new conversation with his friends.

    3. Giving no response if the lecturer ask something.

    4. Play hand phone or other things which can be diverted focus.

    thx for the homework..

  16. Yoshiana Muto
    Based on my observation:
    1. Good Listening Habit:
    a) Focus on the speaker
    b) Full concentration
    c) Not interrupt to the speaker when he/she is talking
    d) Eye contact
    e) Seriously
    f) Pay attention
    g) Give a feedback
    h) Be emphatic

    2. Bad Listening Habit:
    a) Daydreaming
    b) Talk to another person
    c) Joking
    d) Pseudo listening

  17. Ratna Dwi A

    I’ve found 6 good bad habits in listening:
    1.Pay full attention to the speaker
    2.Focus totally on the speaker
    3.Interupt the speaker after she/he finished talk
    4.Give some comment if needed
    5.Not to make unnecessary thing
    6.Show your interest by striving for good eye contact

    And I’ve found 5 bad habits in listening:
    1.Fake in giving attention/pseudolistening
    2.Having a negative judgment to the speaker
    3.Pretend to understand
    4.Talking with other by wishpering when the speaker speak
    5.Joking with other participant

  18. Ratna Dwi A

    I’ve found 6 good bad habits in listening:
    1.Pay full attention to the speaker
    2.Focus totally on the speaker
    3.Interupt the speaker after she/he finished talk
    4.Give some comment if needed
    5.Not to make unnecessary thing
    6.Show your interest by striving for good eye contact

    And I’ve found 6 bad habits in listening:
    1.Fake in giving attention/pseudolistening
    2.Having a negative judgment to the speaker
    3.Pretend to understand
    4.Talking with other by wishpering when the speaker speak
    5.Joking with other participant

  19. Ratna Dwi A

    I’ve found 6 good bad habits in listening:
    1.Pay full attention to the speaker
    2.Focus totally on the speaker
    3.Interupt the speaker after she/he finished talk
    4.Give some comment if needed
    5.Not to make unnecessary thing
    6.Show your interest by striving for good eye contact

    And I’ve found 5 bad habits in listening:
    1.Fake in giving attention/pseudolistening
    2.Having a negative judgment to the speaker
    3.Pretend to understand
    4.Talking with other by wishpering when the speaker speak
    5.Joking with other participant

  20. Aditya Sebastian

    Good habits in listening are:

    1.Full attention to speaker
    it's mean that we not only listen the speaker but also try understanding what the speaker meaning

    2.make the material interest for us
    with make interest material, we will enjoy to following speaker presentation

    3.make a note
    with make a note it will help us to remember what speaker had said before. So we won't miss the point of speaker presentation

    4.try to make question
    with making question we will trained to think “ why, how, who, when and other”. So we will not confuse about the mainly material

    5.try to keep the mind
    sometime we miss the point or disturbed by our friend so we loss the main topic. In this case we demanded to patient or keep the emotion

    6.try to critize the material
    it will help us to give solution from our mind

    7.get the main point
    some time we listen many content of material but actually it's not important. The important thing is only the main material

    Bad habbits in listening

    some time we joke with our friend, actually it's not big problem because sometime we feel bored. But when the speaker explain the important thing, we don't get because we joking

    2.we underestimate
    when we underestimate to speaker, we will close our minded

    3.close our minded
    we some time just listen what speaker say, but we not try to accept it. We thing we are the most true person

    4.not make note
    sometime we miss the speaker say, so we need to write it in note

    5.lazy to involve in discussion
    when we lazy to involve in discussion, we didn't get anything. Because in discussion, we get more information, we get special explanation in discussion

    daydreaming, when we do it, we miss our focus
    7.Pseudo listening
    we do it, when we asked by speaker. Did we understand or not.

  21. Name : Dimas Raga Sumantri
    Nim : C1L00902

    Bad Habits

    1. Calling a subject dull. A poor listener will "turn off" as soon as s/he decides a lecture is going to be dull. (Such a decision is usually based on ignorance rather than knowledge.)
    2. Criticizing a speaker. A poor listener will find fault with the speaker (i.e., monotonous voice) and infer that the speaker can't have anything important to say.
    3. Over-reacting. A poor listener will become so involved in disagreeing with the lecturer that s/he will miss most of the lecture.
    4. Listening for facts only. A poor listener wants only facts and considers the "big picture" as nothing more than someone else's opinion.
    5. False attention. A poor listener will lock his/her eyes onto the speaker and then relax, expecting to retrieve information out of the text later, during study time.
    6. Yielding to distractions. A poor listener will use every distraction -- footsteps, a door opening, a cough -- as an excuse to stop listening.
    7. Limited lecture notes. A poor listener will neglect to take notes of main ideas and details.
    8. Few review sessions. a poor listener will neglect to review lecture notes periodically prior to testing.
    9. Disregard questions asked by speaker during the lecture.

    Good Habits

    1. A good listener will listen closely for information that can be important or useful, even in a seemingly dull presentation.
    2. A good listener will look beyond the presentation style. S/he will look for ideas, not things to criticise
    3. A good listener will listen with the mind, not with the emotions....
    4. A good listener wants to see how facts illustrate principles, how examples illustrate ideas, and how evidence supports arguments.
    5. A good listener wants to see how facts illustrate principles, how examples illustrate ideas, and how evidence supports arguments.
    6. A good listener disciplines her or himself to shut out distractions and to concentrate on the speaker's message.
    7. A good listener will take notes as a reminder of key main ideas and details of what was said.
    8. A good listener will review notes soon after the lecture ends to ascertain clarity of notes.
    9. A good listener will note down all speaker's questions from lecture in the margins as possible questions for a later test.

  22. Name : Dimas Raga Sumantri
    Nim : C1L009023

    HELLO mr its my work

    Bad Habits

    1. Calling a subject dull. A poor listener will "turn off" as soon as s/he decides a lecture is going to be dull. (Such a decision is usually based on ignorance rather than knowledge.)
    2. Criticizing a speaker. A poor listener will find fault with the speaker (i.e., monotonous voice) and infer that the speaker can't have anything important to say.
    3. Over-reacting. A poor listener will become so involved in disagreeing with the lecturer that s/he will miss most of the lecture.
    4. Listening for facts only. A poor listener wants only facts and considers the "big picture" as nothing more than someone else's opinion.
    5. False attention. A poor listener will lock his/her eyes onto the speaker and then relax, expecting to retrieve information out of the text later, during study time.
    6. Yielding to distractions. A poor listener will use every distraction -- footsteps, a door opening, a cough -- as an excuse to stop listening.
    7. Limited lecture notes. A poor listener will neglect to take notes of main ideas and details.
    8. Few review sessions. a poor listener will neglect to review lecture notes periodically prior to testing.
    9. Disregard questions asked by speaker during the lecture.

    Good Habits

    1. A good listener will listen closely for information that can be important or useful, even in a seemingly dull presentation.
    2. A good listener will look beyond the presentation style. S/he will look for ideas, not things to criticise
    3. A good listener will listen with the mind, not with the emotions....
    4. A good listener wants to see how facts illustrate principles, how examples illustrate ideas, and how evidence supports arguments.
    5. A good listener wants to see how facts illustrate principles, how examples illustrate ideas, and how evidence supports arguments.
    6. A good listener disciplines her or himself to shut out distractions and to concentrate on the speaker's message.
    7. A good listener will take notes as a reminder of key main ideas and details of what was said.
    8. A good listener will review notes soon after the lecture ends to ascertain clarity of notes.
    9. A good listener will note down all speaker's questions from lecture in the margins as possible questions for a later test.

  23. Ukit Ali Rahman

    Hi Sir, my work has finished .


    1. Calling the Subject Dull
    Bad listeners often finds a subject too dry and dusty to command their attention and they use this as an excuse to wander off on a mental tangent. Good listeners may have heard a dozen talks on the same subject before, but they quickly decide to see if the speaker has anything that can be of use to them.
    The key to good listening is that little three-letter word use. Good listeners are sifters, screeners, and winnowers of the wheat from the chaff. They are always hunting for something practical or worthwhile to store in the back of their mind to put to work in the months and years ahead.

    2. Criticizing the Speaker
    It's the indoor sport of most bad listeners to find fault with the way a speaker looks, acts, and talks. Good listeners may make a few of the same criticisms but they quickly begin to pay attention to what is said, not how it is said.

    3. Getting Overstimulated
    Listening efficiency drops to zero when the listeners react so strongly to one part of the presentation that they miss what follows. At the University of Minnesota we think this bad habit is so critical that, in the classes where we teach listening, we put at the top of every blackboard the words: Withhold evaluation until comprehension is complete -- hear the speaker out.

    4. Listening Only For Facts
    I used to think it was important to listen for facts. But I've found that almost without exception it is the poor listeners who say they listen for facts. They do get facts, but they garble a shocking number and completely lose most of them.
    Good listeners listen for the main ideas in a speech or lecture and use them as connecting threads to give sense and system to the whole. In the end they have more facts appended to those connecting threads than the catalogers who listen only for facts.

    5. Trying To Outline Everything
    There's nothing wrong with making an outline of a speech -- provided the speaker is following an outline method of presentation. But probably not more than a half or perhaps a third of all speeches given are built around a carefully prepared outline.
    Good listeners are flexible. They adapt their note taking to the organizational pattern of the speaker-they may make an outline, they may write a summary, they may list facts and principles -- but whatever they do they are not rigid about it.

    Good Listening Habits

    We are going to study listening skills. You will have a test next class time. It will have True-False, multiple choice, and essay questions. Therefore, keep and study the essay.

    We all want to grow our minds, be better, more capable, and highly respected. Reaching these Life-Goals takes effort. It takes time. How can you advance rapidly in your abilities if you habitually don't listen, or listen with poor skills? You can't! Listening well helps us reach these Life-Goals faster and with less effort.
    Good listening skills mark us as a high quality person. They earn us respect. Being respected is a good Life-Goal.

    I am going to read an essay to you. Follow along on your own copy. As I read it, take notes, using underlines or a highlighter.
    • Mark the key ideas. (Listen to my voice for clues!) (Look for lists, and how many items might be in them.)
    • Mark those things you think are important for you to know.
    • Mark what you guess I might think are important.
    When I am finished with the first two pages, I will ask you what you marked.
    Read to the class the essay, "Listening" Stop after the second table. Read slowly. Emphasize words marked with emphasis.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

    NIM : C1L009004

    1. Listen only in the first dialog
    2. Turn the face
    3. Distortion communication
    4. Listen except conversation subyek
    5. Negative thinking
    6. Prefer to be a passive listener
    7. Listen selectively/ Listen to other than the subject
    8. No realize when the audience not listening
    9. Chatting with others
    10. Day dreaming

    1. Listen and write messages
    2. Understand the messages compatible with esstimation, idea, expectation and experience
    3. Listening all messages and remember in memory
    4. Give a good respons
    5. Help them speak
    6. Support the person
    7. Give good criticsm
    8. Gaze toward the speaker
    9. Open minded
    10.Be quiet and give attention when the speakers talk

    NIM : C1L 009041

    My name is deni. I’m not Javanesse at all. I never assumed that l would study in Unsoed. l was born in Padang. Since l was born until l graduated from senior high school, l lived in Palembang. For daily language, l used Melayu jargon.
    First time l was in Purwokerto, l had to face culture shock. It was about language. For example while a my friend, Javanesse speak up to me, l dont understand what he say. Then l say to him whether he can speaks indonesian because l dont like a new thing, answer me.
    Javanesse in Banyumas speaks very fast. l never expected Javanesse in Banyumas speaks very fast. I thought that they speaks in a normal tempo. But the fact is not like that. Because Javanesse in Banyumas speak very fasy. L ever said that they can be a rapper. It didnt mean that l insulted. l just only joked.
    l couldn’t also speaks well in Javanesse language. I have ever thought that it was not necessary for me to learn Javanesse language. However, l finally realized that at the time l was living in Javanesse culture thus l should learn Java language.
    Three bad listening habit in my communication
    1.firstly, l can’t be concentrated because l dont understand Javenesse. passive attitude, l am only keep silent when he is in culture. communication only happened while meet in out class, so it is not familiar to me.
    4.there is not facilitator to mediate conversation in each other.
    Three good listening habit in my communication
    1.l can study a new thing although l’m little confused.
    2.communication happened well, while we speak Indonesian.
    3.finally, we can share about our culture.

    NIM : C1L007019

    > Good listening habits for students :
    1. Develop a consumer-wise and positive attitude - make the most of your investment.

    2. Sit near the front of the class where you can easily see and hear the lecturer.

    3. Review previous class notes, assignments, and texts before you go to class.

    4. Stay alert – focus attention and resist daydreaming.

    5. Use an efficient note taking system.

    > Bad listening habits for students :
    1. Calling the Subject Dull.
    Bad listeners often finds a subject too dry and dusty to command their attention and they use this as an excuse to wander off on a mental tangent. Good listeners may have heard a dozen talks on the same subject before, but they quickly decide to see if the speaker has anything that can be of use to them.

    2. Criticizing the Speaker.
    It's the indoor sport of most bad listeners to find fault with the way a speaker looks, acts, and talks. Good listeners may make a few of the same criticisms but they quickly begin to pay attention to what is said, not how it is said. After a few minutes, good listeners become oblivious to the speaker's mannerisms or his/her faults in delivery. They know that the message is ten times as important as the clothing in which it comes garbed.

    3. Getting Overstimulated
    Listening efficiency drops to zero when the listeners react so strongly to one part of the presentation that they miss what follows. At the University of Minnesota we think this bad habit is so critical that, in the classes where we teach listening, we put at the top of every blackboard the words: Withhold evaluation until comprehension is complete -- hear the speaker out. It is important that we understand the speaker's point of view fully before we accept or reject it.

    4. Listening Only For Facts
    I used to think it was important to listen for facts. But I've found that almost without exception it is the poor listeners who say they listen for facts. They do get facts, but they garble a shocking number and completely lose most of them.

    5. Trying To Outline Everything
    There's nothing wrong with making an outline of a speech -- provided the speaker is following an outline method of presentation. But probably not more than a half or perhaps a third of all speeches given are built around a carefully prepared outline.


    NIM :C1L009054

    Listening is very important in life. Because, whwn we listen to other people is when you learn something.
    But in my analytical there are many student who have listening bad habit. Altough there are many student have bad listening habit, but some of student have a good listening habit.

    There are typical student bad listening habit ;
    1.Most of student can't avoid to talk with another student. But, it is annoying when someone is trying to talk another person. So, most of student is not paying attention at the speaker.

    2.Student thing is selective depending on whether the topic is interesting to him. The student will heard only what they want to hear and no matter what has been said.

    3.Each of student have a different assumption in receive message. So, if a student feel the topic isn't interesting, therefore student hear at the speaker say's but it just a minute. The message can receive from right ear and out to left ear.

    4.Student don't make a note for the speaker say. So, this message is easy to loss from her mind.

    5.Student usually divide an attention to do some assignment or they do anything else (read a comic, play cellular phone,etc).

    6.Student listen selective to the speaker. Sometimes, many student don't really heard the speaker. Their body in the class, but their mind out from the speaker(Daydreaming).

    7.Most of student just listen the speaker say's but not understanding it. So, the message can't receive better.

    8.Student don't open their mind to get more knowledge.

    And in my observation, there are typical student good listening habit ;

    1.The student give accurate feedback to the speaker. Ex: Nod the head. It's indicate that the student listen at the speaker.

    2.Asks the speaker with a mean question.

    3.Student can hear the feel of the speaker an d know the situation.

    4.Listen the message better, with try to understanding what the speaker say.

    5.Listen the main topic of the speaker say and avoid the message with differ from the speaker.

    6.Student make a note of the resume at the topic.

  29. Name : Dea Destami
    NIM : C1L006033

    Bad listening habbits:
    1. Joke in the forum
    2. Day dreaming
    3. Faking attention
    4. Chatting with others
    5. Passive listeners

    Good listeners habbits:
    1. Make a good attention
    2. Not daydreaming
    3. Make eyes contanct
    4. Give a solution if any problem
    5. Not to make unnecessary thing

    NIM : C1L007011

    1. Sleeping while listening
    2. Daydreaming
    3. Not focused

    1. Stare to people who talk
    2. Show our interest by smiling
    3. Wait until people finish talking, then we give a feedback

    NIM : C1L007012

    1. Not Focused
    2. sleeping
    3. negative thinking


    1. Positive thinking
    2. give opinion
    3. focused

    NIM : C1L007012

    1. FOCUSED

    NIM : C1L009049

    Listening is especially important in the workplace even in the classroom because we spend so many time doing it. This is the result my observation among student about Listening habits.

    Good habits:
    •Develop a consumer-wise and positive attitude - make the most of your investment.
    •Sit near the front of the class where you can easily see and hear the lecturer.
    •Review previous class notes, assignments, and texts before you go to class.
    •Stay alert – focus attention and resist daydreaming.
    •Use an efficient note taking system.
    •Ask questions to help you clarify concepts.
    •Focus on the content of what the teacher says, not the delivery.
    •Listen for the main points of the lecture and try to determine future test questions.
    •Be responsive.

    Bad Habits :
    •Not focusing on the message.
    •Passive listeners.
    •A physical communication setting that works against listening.
    •Listener’s own needs that may compete with the speaker’s ideas.
    •Unfamiliar language.
    •Preset ideas about the topic, the speaker, or the occasion.


    Good Listening Habit

    Give full attention

    The first habit of listening is to pay attention to the person who is speaking. Give them your full attention -- and visibly so. Attend not only with your ears but with your whole body. Turn to face them. Gaze intently at them.

    The trick to full attention is to do it from inside your head, not just by moving your body. If you can be truly interested (which is often just a matter of attitude) then your body will happily follow your mind.

    Help them speak

    Sometimes the speaker is having difficulty getting their point across. Maybe they are not that good at speaking or are seeking to explain a complex concept. You can help them and yourself by positive encouragement.

    If they lack confidence, encourage them with nods, smiles and positive noises. Show that you are interested in them and don't mind that they are not particularly erudite. If they are struggling with a concept, try to paraphrase what they are saying.

    Asking positive questions is a generally good approach, both to test your own understanding and also to demonstrate interest.

    Support the person

    Good listening also includes acting in a way that is considerate of the other person. As a part of listening, you should seek to help the person feel good about themselves. Having someone pay close attention to you and show interest is very flattering and usually feels good.

    A fundamental attitude to support this is to value and accept all people, even if you do not agree with what they have to say or how they say it. Thus, if you disagree, disagree with the argument and not with the person. Show your acceptance of their right to differ with you, whilst stating your opposition to what they say.

    Manage your reactions

    Finally, be careful with how you react to what the other person says.

    It is easy to be put off by listeners who show a marked lack of interest, who do not seem to understand what you are saying or who seem more concerned with criticizing you and showing how they do not need to listen to you.

    Before you comment about what the other person has said, pause before you dive into a response. Notice your own internal inferences and biases. Think about what you would say and the effect that it would have. Consider if this is what you want to achieve.

    Bad Listening Habit
    1. Lack of interest in the subject
    2. Focus on the person, not on the content
    3. Interrupting
    4. Focus on the detail, missing the big picture
    5. Force-fitting their ideas into your mental models
    6. Body language that signals disinterest
    7. Creating or allowing distractions
    8. Ignoring what you do not understand
    9. Letting emotions block the subject
    10. Daydreaming

  35. Name : Ageng Sandrawardhani
    Student Number: C1L009030

    >> Good Listening Habit:
    1. full attention
    2. full expression
    3. responsive
    4. eye contact with the speaker

    >> Bad Listening Habit:
    1. not looking at the speaker
    2. no attention because daydreaming
    3. not response what the speaker saying

    Good listening habit
    1.Student can hear the feel of the speaker an d know the situation.

    2.Listen the message better, with try to understanding what the speaker say.

    3.Listen the main topic of the speaker say and avoid the message with differ from the speaker.

    Bad listening habit
    1. Prefer to be a passive listener
    2. Listen selectively/ Listen to other than the subject
    3. No realize when the audience not listening
    4. Chatting with others

  37. Rijal Hilmi

    Good listening habits
    1.Give full attention
    2.Help them speak
    3.Support the person
    4.Manage your reactions

    Bad listening habits
    1 Lack of interest in the subject
    2 Focus on the person, not on the content
    3 Interrupting
    4 Focus on the detail, missing the big picture
