Thursday, April 16, 2009

Asignment 5: MID Preparation April 2009

This is to post your Mid Test preparation. Remember you have to write the question first before post your answer. Also, your name, student number, chapter and question number.
The latest is Sunday, 18 April 2009. No posting, no score!
Good luck!


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Communicating Across Culture

Session 4 Communicating Across Culture Session 4 Communicating Across Culture praptapa Materi kuliah Komunikasi Bisnis dengan pokok bahasan "Communicating Across Culture" by Agung Praptapa

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Asignment 4: Act Int April 2009 CULTURE

Please find a special thing from culture arround the world, that is considered important and interesting to be shared, so we can develop ourselves to be a successful business communicator.
The answer should be in English and Indonesian (should be both). Please post here as comments. The latest is Wednesday 8 April 2009.

Temukan satu hal yang "khas" dari kultur dimanapun di dunia, yang Saudara anggap perlu dan menarik untuk diketahui, sehingga bisa menambah modal kita untuk menjadi komunikator bisnis yang sukses.
Jawaban agar dalam Bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia (jadi harus dua-duanya)
Silakan kumpulkan disini sebagai comments. Paling lambat dikumpulkan minggu depan, Rabu 8 April 2009.

Enjoy your study!