Tuesday, March 24, 2009

E Learning Blog for Business Communication

Welcome to my blog. This blog is used for e-learning, for communication between instructor and students, including for submiting assignment. Other visitors are mostly welcomed.
Lets do the best!


  1. dian utami arista rApril 3, 2009 at 6:59 AM

    Observe & List at Best 4 Listening
    Neni : If she was invited talking, always connected and cal understanding my argument.
    Alfa : He price if some body who sufficient talked him
    Ariend : She always make dicussion of situation so much to enjoyed

    Observe & List at Least 3 Listening
    Gita : Price somebody who sufficient talked something adaption heard him
    Titik : She belong is difering frame of reference
    Yayuk : She always prejudgement in the widdle talking

    3 Best
    Neni : Jika dia diajak bicara, selalu nyambung dan bisa mengerti dan memahami apa yang say maksud (bicarakan)
    Alfa : Dia menghargai jika orang yang mengajak bicara dengan dia
    Ariend : Dia selalu membuat suasana pembicaraan semakin menyenangkan

    3 Least
    Gita : Dengan kurang orang yang sedang mengajak bicara dan terkadang menyesuaikan hatinya
    Titik : Kurang memperhatikan lawan bicara
    Yayuk : Memotong pembicaraan ditengah-tengah pembicaraan

  2. Nama : Irianti Pratiwi
    NIM : C1L007004
    (In Indonesia)

    Kebiasaan Mendengarkan

    Dalam mendengarkan seseorang berbicara banyak sekali rintangan yang di hadapi, sehingga menyebabkan seseorang berperilaku sebagai pendengar dalam komunikasi yang efektiv.

    Rintangan itu di antaranya sebagai berikut :
    1.Pura2 mendengar; padahal lawan bicara bisa merasakan dari hati bahwa kita pura2 atau tulus.
    2.Keluar dari topik; diajak ngomong topik A kita malah ngomong topik B, yang menunjukan ketidak setujuan/ tidak tertarik dengan lawan bicara.
    3.Tidak sepakat dengan yang dibicarakan; lebih tepatnya adalah blocking, apa saja yang disampaikan lawan bicara, kita sanggah.
    4.Menciptakan ganguan
    5.Mimpi di siang bolong
    6.Fokus pada pembicaranya

    Selain rintangan ada juga hambatan untuk bisa menjadi pendengar yang baik, diantaranya sebagai berikut :
    1.Gangguan dari luar
    2.Hambatan fisik
    3.Hambatan tata bahasa
    4.Pengaruh emosi
    5.Cenderung punya opini pribadi
    6.Gaya mendengarkan

    (In English)
    Listening Habits
    In hearing someone speaking plenty of barriers that in faced, so as to cause someone to behave that was not good as listeners in communication that efektiv.

    The barrier among them as follows:
    1.Heard; in fact the interlocutor could feel from the heart that we temples or sincere.
    2.Outside from the topic; was asked to speak our A topic even spoke the B topic, that showed not in the same direction/was not attracted by the interlocutor.
    3.Did not agree with that was discussed; more to be precise was blocking, any that were sent by the interlocutor, we the shrine.
    4.Created the disturbance
    5.The dream in the afternoon day
    6.The focus in his speaker.

    Apart from the barrier had also the obstacle to be able to become good listeners, among them as follows:
    1. The disturbance from luar
    2. The obstacle fisik
    3. The obstacle to the order language
    4. The influence emotions
    5. Tend to have the opinion personal
    6. The style listening
    7. Persepsi
    8. The refined
